If you are struggling with getting enough new business you might be in violation of the rule of seven. This is a marketing rule and simply states the fact that your customer probably doesn’t know who you are unless you've "touched" them at least seven times. I have even heard that this rule is the rule of 12 now.
What’s a touch? An email, a phone call, a direct mail piece, a networking event an introduction etc.
You must have, what we call in marketing “top-of-mind-awareness” or you might not be the person your customer thinks of first when looking for a photography professional in your specialty... You need to do this for your business on a consistent basis. Be in front of your clients frequently and that is what increases your changes of getting the job...

Read the blog at : http://photosecretsblog.com/2010/06/25/whats-hot-a-bikinilist
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