We've just upgraded BikiniEmail
Making it the best value service on the market.No other email service gives you all this -
Build your list on BikiniLists.com - click straight through to your BikiniEmailPRO account
Your list comes with you - uploaded and ready to use
. Fast & Easy Campaign Creation : upload your latest images, set date/time, then click go!
. BikiniEmail click/open reports show full information for each click
- Current contact names, job titles, specialities and client lists
- You can add your own secure notes on each company.
. Click and open rates as high as 20% achievable with properly structured campaigns
- Nothing else comes close.
. No minimum send per month, no list size restrictions
- You pick when and to whom you want to send to. You can add your own contacts securely
. Manage your follow-up activity with BikiniNotes
- Keep track of your activity - calls, follow-ups & go-sees
. We help you every step of the way
- Template design : subject choice : scheduling : follow-ups
. More competitive pricing - from just 1p per email*
- The best value for money fully integrated system
*Call us on +44 141 636 3901 for more details, or
click here to register for a free trial