Thursday 15 August 2013

Email Marketing 101

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Email marketing is all about Open and Click rates. The higher your rates are the more successful your campaign will be. Sounds pretty easy right? Unfortunately like my grandmother used to say, “Anything worth having doesn’t come easy.”  However, that doesn’t mean to say you can’t break it down and figure out how to make it that little bit easier. I’m  Gillian the Promos Girl at Bikini Lists and this month’s ‘How To...’ blog is all about improving your Open and Click rates on your next email campaign.

So let’s break your email down into sections and look at where you can make improvements to maximise your reach.

Your Subject Line – Here’s my three simple rules for cracking your subject line;  the triple S – Short, Smart, Specific.

Keep your subject line short. No more than 50 characters is my rule of thumb, that way it can be easily read by the recipient. The job of the subject line is to grab the attention of the recipient and incentivise them to click through.

You are talking to creative people, so be creative!  A great example of using a creative subject line successfully comes from photographer Tom Broadbent and his recent email campaign detailing his work photographing the somewhat unknown subculture of  ‘Furries’. His clever subject line ‘At Home with the Furries’ received a 32% Open rate and an 8% Click rate.

Keep your subject line specific but don’t make it sound boring. Try to give your recipient an idea of what the email is about while engaging them creatively. If you’re not sure what to write, brainstorm a few ideas on paper or even better, with friends or colleagues. You’ll be amazed at what you come up with. This simple exercise will also generate a number of other ideas for subject lines that could come in handy for future campaigns.

Your Image – Hurrah! You’ve successfully secured a good Open rate by conjuring up a killer subject line. Don’t waste this opportunity by selling yourself short when choosing your image. Choose the image(s) that reflects the style of your work best and will help you stand out to buyers. Again, a good technique is to choose a handful of images and run them past your friends or colleagues and see which ones they like best.

Your Body Copy – With email body copy, less is always more. Think about your audience and what they need to know, not what you want them to know. Creatives are busy folk, if they've opened your email it’s because you got the subject line right. Don’t give them a long-winded biography, they won’t have time to read it! Displaying your work should always be the priority, that’s what they clicked through to see.  On top of seeing your work, Creatives want to know are who your previous clients are, where they can see more of your work and how they can get in touch with you. That’s pretty much it! Don’t tie yourself up in knots with the copy, just keep it simple and to the point.

The same rule applies to your links; one or two links is sufficient. Multiple links to blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and different parts of your website can often cause confusion and you run the risk of losing your precious openers. We've carefully designed our email templates to feature your image, copy, links to ‘View more’ and your contact details because we know that is all your audience are interested in.

When To Send – There’s no such thing as a perfect time to send your email campaign. In the age of smart phones it’s become increasingly easier to access email on the go. For some this could be early morning or late at night, for others during the working day. The key is to experiment and change your send times to see what achieves the best open rate for you. At Bikini Lists we can send your campaign any minute of any day, of any month, of any year, so the email world is your oyster!

Finally the simple things are just as important and can sometimes be overlooked.  Check and double check your spelling and grammar, because a sloppy email campaign reflects very badly on your business!

As always, I’m here to support you in this process so if you have any questions about your next campaign you can contact me at

If you’ve come across this blog post because you want to improve your email marketing, then why not take out a BikiniLists Freebie account here - Get the free trial...

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